The challenges of having and sustaining academic excellence and infrastructural development of a state university are quite enormous.
For us, the Benue State University remains our pride as it has graduated men and women who have started contributing to the development of our dear state as citizens and in positions of authority.
As the tenure of Prof Charity Angya is gradually coming to a halt, it is instructive that members of the public who are deeply interested in the educational development of our state show concern as to who takes over the mantle of leadership. This is not a campaign but a sincere concern.
Since the screening of the eminent professors and sons of Benue who have indicated interest to lead this university began it is proper to look at the performance of one professor who has distinguished himself all through the exercise.
Prof. Nicolas Akise Ada has emerged the over all best and has come first in all stages of the screening in the university.
To me it shows acceptability and a total belief in his ability to turn around the fortunes of the university. Simply put, prof. Ada enjoys tremendous goodwill and support of his immediate constituency; the university community.
Prof. Nicholas Ada is a very humble, simple, vivacious and down to earth personality, he is easy going, accommodating and friendly.
Prof. Ada is amongst the pioneer lecturers of the Benue state university. Over time he has contributed greatly to the general running and stability of the university. He has watched the institution soar to this height. He has a deep knowledge of the strength, weaknesses and the panacea to the problems of the university.
Prof Ada is no doubt pregnant with a vision of sustaining and improving on the academic and infrastructure of this institution. He has a clearly mapped out plan for a 21st century BSU.
Prof. Nicholas Ada has serve this institution meritoriously in several capacity namely;
1.Ag. Director, School of General and Remedial Studies, Benue State University, Makurdi June-Sept. 1998
2. Secretary/Member, Vice-Chancellor‟s Committee on the Establishment of Benue State University Community Bank
3.Member, Benue State University Special Convocation Committee 1993
4. Faculty Examinations Officer, Faculty of Education, Benue State University, Makurdi 1995-1996
5. Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, Benue State University, Makurdi 1997-1999
6.Teaching Practice Co-ordinator, Faculty of Education, Benue State University, Makurdi 1996
7. Member, Board of Governors, Benue State University Technical College, Makurdi 2000-2006
8. Member, Benue State University Staff School Management Board 2001-date
9. Member, Benue State University Strategic Planning Committee 2001-date
10. Chairman, Benue State University Orientation / Matriculation Committee 2001-date
11. Chairman, Inaugural Parents‟ Forum, Benue State University, Makurdi 2001-date
12. Member, Weekend Degree Programme Planning Committee, Benue State University, Makurdi 2002
13. Member (Reactivated Vice-Chancellor‟s Committee on the Establishment of Benue State University Community Bank) 2004-date
14. Dean of Students, Benue State University, Makurdi 2005-date
15. Member, Benue State University Vision Plan 2005 – 2010 2005
16. Member, Committee of Deans and Directors, Benue State University, Makurdi 2005-date
17. Member, Security Committee, Benue State University, Makurdi 2005-date
18. Member, Advisory Committee on Students‟ Discipline, Benue State University, Makurdi 2005-date
19. Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Sources of Revenue, Benue State University, Makurdi 2006
20. Member, Staff Housing and Welfare Committee, Benue State University, Makurdi
21. Member, Board of Governors, BSU Technical College, Makurdi (Reappointed) 2006-date
22. Member, Senate Committee on Ethics, Benue State University, Makurdi 2006-date
23. Member, University Committee on Health Services, Benue State University, Makurdi 2006-2008
24. Member, University Monitoring Team for the Mini Markets 2006-date
25. Chairman, Board of Trustees, Students Welfare Insurance Scheme 2007-date
26. Chairman, Senate Committee on the Checking of Approved Final Year Results for NYSC Mobilization 2007-date
27. Member, Council/Senate Panel to interview the University Bursar 2009
28. Member, Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee (University Council/Senate Joint Committee) 2009
29. Chairman, Benue State University Directory Committee 2009
30. Member, Special Admissions and Admissions Irregularities Committee – a Committee of the University Senate (Benue State University, Makurdi) 2009
31. Member, Panel to Interview the University Chief Security Officer, Benue State University, Makurdi. 2009
32. Member/Sub-Chairman, Accommodation and Transport, 6th – 10th Convocation Central Planning Committee 2010
33. Member, Senate Committee to Review Students‟ Handbook 2010
34. Chairman, Senate Committee on Ethics 2011
35. Chairman, Management Works Committee 2011
36. Chairman, Committee to Investigate Fire Incident at the Female Main Hostel 2011
37. Chairman, Security Committee 2011
38. Chairman, Management Team to negotiate with John Holt on the cost of installation of 1000KVA generator 2011
39. Chairman, Taskforce on the installation of 1000KVA generator 2011
40. Chairman, Management Committee on School Fees Differentials. 2011
41. Chairman, University Loans Committee 2011
42. Chairman, Advisory Committee on Student‟s Discipline 2011
43. Chairman, Senate Committee on Ethics 2011
44. Chairman, Management Works Committee 2011
45. Chairman, Committee to Investigate Fire Incident at the Female Main Hostel 2011
46. Chairman, Security Committee 2011
47. Chairman, Management Team to negotiate with John Holt on the cost of installation of 1000KVA generator. 2011
48. Chairman, Taskforce on the installation of 1000KVA generator 2011
49. Chairman, Management Committee on School Fees Differentials. 2011
50. Chairman, University Loans Committee 2011
51. Chairman, Advisory Committee on Student‟s Discipline 2011
52. Chairman, Committee on University Directory 2011
53. Member, Senate Estimates Committee 2011
54. Member, Academic Planning Committee 2011
55. Member, Research Development and Training Committee 2011
56. Member, Senate Estimates Committee 2011
57. Member, Research Development and Training Committee 2011
58. Deputy vice Chancellor administration Benue state university makurdi.
Prof. Ada's case is that of a capable, able and competent hand. That of an accomplished academic, a superb educationist and an unsurpassable administrator.
The vicechancellorship is about competence and merit. This is where prof. Ada readily comes to mind.
Quite instructive is the fact that Governor Ortom wants the best for this institution. The Governor has said on several occasions that merit, competence and the ability to produce results will be his watch word in making such decisions. Out of the list three professors submitted to the Governor, any one of them is qualified. But when faced with this hard choice to make , the consideration is which of them is most qualified, this is where prof. Nicholas Ada stands out.
Prof. Nicholas Akise Ada is an erudite and foremost professor of Science Education.
He is an academic of global reputation who has attended diverse local and international conferences. he is published in both local and international journals as well.
His curriculum vitae as well as his experience and knowledge is no doubt tall and uncommon.
The Governor will have to rise above pressure to encourage merit and competence. Let the governor show the university community that he respects their painstaking screening which Prof Nicholas Ada has always come top.
Prof. Ada is focused, determined and articulate with a clear vision of the challenges of being the Vice Chancellor of the Benue State University.
From the foregoing, prof Ada having served serveral other vice chancellors and contributed imensely to the growth and stability of the university in the various positions and comittees as aforementioned and considering the out come of the thorough screening, experience, administrative prowess and scholarship.
Leadership has no doubt met preparedness in prof.Nicholas Akise Ada.
May God Guide our governor as he makes the decision.
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